I'm trying to use the 'roles' package available on Atmosphere but I can't get it to work with Accounts.onCreateUser(), I can get the example on github. When I register a user, I want to add a role to them, when I test whether the role is assigned, it's not picking it up.
Here's my code
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user){
var role = ['admin'];
Roles.addUsersToRoles(user, role);
return user;
'click input': function () {
var loggedInUser = Meteor.user();
if (Roles.userIsInRole(loggedInUser, ['admin'])) {
console.log("Hi Admin!");
console.log("Please Log In");
The accepted answer forces you to write boilerplate code for login logic given by meteor through accounts-ui/password. The other answers make assumptions about the underlying implementation and the timeout solution introduces a race condition.
Why not do this:
You effectively add the role after whatever it is that triggered the onCreateUser call and use alanning's api to add to roles. (Tested with meteor 1.0, roles 1.2.13)