I am working on a website that auto populates search result in a table after user entered some text in the input text box (similar to google instant search).
I managed to get knockout js to update view model as user enters information by adding
valueUpdate: 'afterkeydown'
into my data-bind attribute, however, I also need to handle the case where user right click and paste some text into the textbox so I tried:
valueUpdate: ['afterkeydown','mouseup']
but that didn't work and when I tried to read the value of the text box through the view model I kept getting the old value until I tab out of the input text box.
Anyone know how can I fix this?
You can use valueUpdate:'input'. I have testet it to work in Opera, Firefox and Chrome. I'm on a Linux box, so I can't test it in IE. Check this fiddle
UPDATE: I have now testet it in IE8, and it doesn't work. But using the following seems to work.
Thanks to Michael Best for his comment about this :) I have updated the fiddle
UPDATE okt 2014: As kzh mention in a comment below, in one of the later versions of Knockout.js the textInput binding was added. This binding handles this scenario and has build in browser quirks handling http://knockoutjs.com/documentation/textinput-binding.html
New Way
Instead of:
One can now use the textInput binding:
From the documentation:
Old Way
Does not work in IE9 if you want to support RightMouseClick → Delete or RightMouseClick → Cut.
The solution I came up with involves using jQuery and a jQuery plugin called jQuery Splendid Textchange. After you have both the jQuery and the plugin scripts loaded, you can happily use the 'textchange' event.
But, I may one day stop supporting bad browsers, so I have this:
Here is a fiddle I made for testing this and other events: http://jsfiddle.net/kaleb/w3ErR/
N.B. If you are using requirejs, jquery may have to be a hard dependency of knockout for this to work properly all the time.