Specified VM install not found: type Standard VM, name jre7 Have you ever encountered this problem in Eclipse while building an ant file? Then this article is for you. Deleting and recreating the workspace is not the solution. There is an easy solution to fix this issue without recreating the workspace.
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Best answer found at
It happened for me after Un-installing Java and installing new version.
All I have to do is in eclipse open Installed JREs from
Windows --> Preferences --> Java --> Installed JREs
Then Add new JRE information. Details can be found here
The last answer is absolutely correct, however a fast track way is to delete the project reference from eclipse (make sure to keep unchecked delete source) and import your project folder again. This way the project configurations are reset by eclipse using the new jdk. But a wonderful post it did help me.
This is a preferred way tell projects which JDK container to use, especially true if two or more devs are using the same version controlled eclipse project folder.
Window/Preferences/Java/Installed JREs
List one or more JDKs installed on your computer. Eclipse defaults name to jdk1.X.X_XX you should keep it as is. Never link project build settings directly to use these names.
Window/Preferences/Java/Installed JREs/Execution Environments
List of common jvm environments such as JavaSE-1.6 and JavaSE-1-7 names. Click rows and choose jre instance on the right side panel. These names are common and all team members should already have them in Eclipse installation.
Step 1: This is where you may accidentally have nothing chosen if JREs were uninstalled or names changed in InstalledJREs setting. You may get
Step 2: Choose 2nd mouse on build.xml file/Run As/Ant Build... popup menu entry. Click on JRE tab and choose execution environment. This may have obsolete value from the previous jdk values.
Project Properties/Java Build Path/Libraries
Add Library.../JRE System Library/(x)Execution environment
Choose execution environment to be used for this project. Team members may not have exact _XX jdk build but they can use the same version controlled eclipse project settings. Execution environment mapping hides user specific details.
Just delete the below file
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