Specified VM install not found: type Standard VM, name jre7 Have you ever encountered this problem in Eclipse while building an ant file? Then this article is for you. Deleting and recreating the workspace is not the solution. There is an easy solution to fix this issue without recreating the workspace.
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In my case it happen as I have changed my JRE.
Solution :
Right click on your ant script > Run as > External tool configurations... > Go to JRE tab > select JRE
Hope this help.
Thanks, Sagar Vyas
You can change what JRE the ant bulid file is launched with inside eclipse.
Right click on the ant file in the ant view and select "Run As"->"Ant..." from the context menu.
Then in the launch dialog select the JRE tab. Note the error message at the top if it can't find the JRE that it expects.
Select a JRE that you have installed or manage install a new one. You can also add vm arguments (enable logging or change memory alocation) if you need to in this dialog.
Removed below file and build maven project again, worked for me.
After Java update ant build failed and the below steps fixed it .
Right Click on build.xml-Run As-External Tools Go to JRE tab and check the box to use the JRE same as workspace.
Just had this issue & the solution above does not work, atleast not for me.
Instead I went the solution provided here:http://www.javaworkspace.com/VMNotFound.do
Essentially you go to the directory C:\projects\WORKSPACE.metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.debug.core.launches
In there search for the string of the JDK that that eclipse is moaining about & change it to the name of your installed JDK that you want to use that eclipse knows about.
For more technical details or issue similar to this find my blog here.