I'm looking for javascript libraries that helps with HTML5 development.
Please only post one library per answer, and don't forget to describe it.
I'm looking for javascript libraries that helps with HTML5 development.
Please only post one library per answer, and don't forget to describe it.
ExplorerCanvas — Modern browsers like Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera support the HTML5 canvas tag to allow 2D command-based drawing. ExplorerCanvas brings the same functionality to Internet Explorer. To use, web developers only need to include a single script tag in their existing web pages.
Creates interactive drawing board that lets users draw on your site (can be useful for avatars, or much better for colaborative projects, learning etc
CreateJS is a good collection of HTML5 library.
Modernizr is the best way to detect which HTML5 features a browser supports.
I'll post about Easel.js and it's sibils hoho. They're from the same developer GSkinner I post all related libraries because of this. I've just used Easel a little, but the others seem promising. I post the URL and their description:
It supports TweenJS
Also supports SoundJS
And Zoë
I haven't used them all but seem quite interesting =)
The only one I have found is html5widgets.
I would have assumed that there where several competing libraries for this.
But it does implement most of the new html 5 form goodness, which is what I care about...