Is it possible to use the Handlebars.js with the Backbone.Marionette extension without reimplementing the Views render function? It seems that Marionette is relying on the convention that you use Backbone.js with underscores templating engine. But I really like the handlebar approach so I'm asking if I can the high-level-tools of Marionette with handlebars.
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We can also make use of precompiled templates here.
This way we can remove the compilation role from Marionette.
The current two answers do not exploit caching. Use this gist instead.
@brettjonesdev is correct, but one other addition here that I found worked well was:
This helps when searching the DOM.
A simple way to use Handlebars with Marionette is simply to define
in each View as a pre-compiled Handlebars template function. For instance:Marionette's default
will detect that thetemplate
attribute is a function, and will call it accordingly.See also the official documentation about this case :
and an other Q/A with requirejs + Marionette + Handlebars precompiled : Using precompiled handlebars templates with Marionette