Does anyone use a rule of thumb basis to estimate the effort required for testing as a percentage of the effort required for development? And if so what percentage do you use?
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The Google Testing Blog discussed this problem recently:
When you're estimating testing you need to identify the scope of your testing - are we talking unit test, functional, UAT, interface, security, performance stress and volume?
If you're on a waterfall project you probably have some overhead tasks that are fairly constant. Allow time to prepare any planning documents, schedules and reports.
For a functional test phase (I'm a "system tester" so that's my main point of reference) don't forget to include planning! A test case often needs at least as much effort to extract from requirements / specs / user stories as it will take to execute. In addition you need to include some time for defect raising / retesting. For a larger team you'll need to factor in test management - scheduling, reporting, meetings.
Generally my estimates are based on the complexity of the features being delivered rather than a percentage of dev effort. However this does require access to at least a high-level set of instructions. Years of doing testing enables me to work out that a test of a particular complexity will take x hours of effort for preparation and execution. Some tests may require extra effort for data setup. Some tests may involve negotiating with external systems and have a duration far in excess of the effort required.
In the end, though, you need to review it in the context of the overall project. If your estimate is well above that for BA or Development then there may be something wrong with your underlying assumptions.
I know this is an old topic but it's something I'm revisiting at the moment and is of perennial interest to project managers.
Some years ago, in a safety critical field, I have heard something like one day for unit testing ten lines of code.
I have also observed 50% of effort for development and 50% for testing (not only unit testing).
Testing time is probably more closely correlated to feature scope than development time. I'd also argue (perhaps controversially) that testing time is correlated to the skill of your development team.
For a 6-to-9 month development effort, I demand a absolute minimum of 2 weeks testing time, performed by actual testers (not the development team) who are well-versed in the software they will be testing (i.e., 2 weeks does not include ramp-up time). This is for a project that has ~5 developers.
Are you talking about automated unit/integration tests or manual tests?
For the former, my rule of thumb (based on measurements) is 40-50% added to development time i.e. if developing a use case takes 10 days (before an QA and serious bugfixing happens), writing good tests takes another 4 to 5 days - though this should best happen before and during development, not afterwards.
The only time I factor in extra time for testing is if I'm unfamiliar with the testing technology I'll be using (e.g. using Selenium tests for the first time). Then I factor in maybe 10-20% for getting up to speed on the tools and getting the test infrastructure in place.
Otherwise testing is just an innate part of development and doesn't warrant an extra estimate. In fact, I'd probably increase the estimate for code done without tests.
EDIT: Note that I'm usually writing code test-first. If I have to come in after the fact and write tests for existing code that's going to slow things down. I don't find that test-first development slows me down at all except for very exploratory (read: throw-away) coding.