I am looking for any best practices or guidelines regarding animation in WPF. Especially information regarding performance considerations.
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After I have gained a bit more experience in this field since I have asked the question, I will answer this myself. My experience comes from working on the WPF mind mapping application NovaMind - We have done lots of animations lately for our Presenter feature in NovaMind Platinum :-)
The MSDN section on Optimizing WPF Application Performance has some useful information about general considerations when writing WPF apps:
Here are some bits which I have found especially useful and are related to animation:
The CompositionTarget.Rendering event causes WPF to continuously animate. If you use this event, detach it at every opportunity.
When you use a Brush to set the Fill or Stroke of an element, it is better to set the Brush.Opacity value rather than the setting the element's Opacity property. Modifying an element's Opacity property can cause WPF to create a temporary surface.
You may be able to update a Transform rather than replacing it as the value of a RenderTransform property. This is particularly true in scenarios that involve animation. By updating an existing Transform, you avoid initiating an unnecessary layout calculation.
Here is what I have learned through trial and error:
I have also heard that it is faster to render many little objects by overriding OnRender in the container and then rendering them using the drawingContext rather than adding them to the visual tree directly. In practice this didn't make any difference in my scenario (when rendering around 300 ellipse geometries) but it might be helpful in some scenarios. The theory sounds solid.
Finally, I have found the animation classes built into WPF way too cumbersome and had much more fun and success using the underdog of animation libraries: Artefact Animator. Seriously, give it a try. (it is also available for Silverlight) It is what animating (in code) should have been like.
All is not rainbows and unicorns though. I still find it impossible to create truly fluid animations when running full screen in higher resolutions. More on that in my question How to know why an animation stutters? - I would appreciate any input on that.
cheers, good luck and if you have something cool to show, let me know :)