Xcode code formatter Swift
I'm trying to auto format my code written in Swift. It's necessary if you're working in team and using CVS and don't want to merge for hours.
Ctrl+I just makes an indent, but for example i want to have proper space between functions and just all the stuff like in Clang.
I would suggest using sublime text with the swift plugin, which will allow you to hotkey the code formatting. https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/Swift
In Xcode [Objective-C, Swift]:
1) ⌘+A: highlight code
2) ⌃+I: reformat code
Select lines, then press Ctrl+I.
Xcode and Swift 2.0: Per file, Cmd-A then Ctl-I. Ctl-I works for what is highlighted, Cmd-A highlights all. Just be careful not to accidentally delete all your source after the Ctl-A!
(I know the question says Xcode but) personally this is another reason to use AppCode alongside Xcode.
While Xcode only fixes the indentation for Swift code, as mentioned in the question, AppCode at least handles spaces too. Somewhat relatedly it removes indents from empty lines by default.
AppCode's Swift support definitely isn't perfect yet and you still need to check the code in both, but it's still worth it because of better navigation and things like this.
I write a extension app about format Swift code: Swimat
There has two way to install
brew cask install swimat
Clone this repo, build and restart Xcode.
See https://github.com/Jintin/Swimat for more information