My company would like to develop a mobile application. Web app, native app or hybrid app ? They actually don't know. In that context, they asked me to make some researches (I'm not a mobile development expert) on open source Framework for mobile development (cross platform Framework btw). I did. Now, I have an overview of what actually exists and have selected 8 of them.
Now, what I would like is your personal feedback (pros/ cons/ like/ dislike/ if you left a Framework for another one, why ? ...) on those Framework/API below :
- Phonegap
- Appcelerator Titanium
- Senta Touch
- jQ Mobile
- Rho Mobile
- Xamarin
Thank you very much :)
You have listed Phonegap first, that is the way forward, you have to know jQuery mobile to start using phonegap, thats all®ion=&page=1
See Sigma Mobility it has rich features for creating Mobile apps using HTML5,JS and CSS3; and also redirect mobile users to the mobile site created out of your app.
All of this can be done through free account.
Related topics
I don't want to repeat my self so here are few of my older answers regarding this topic:
Hybrid vs Native apps
Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements
Use a web mobile framework?
Use a web mobile framework?
Is jquery-mobile “mobile first”
Is jquery-mobile "mobile first"
Mobile App vs Web App - Apple no longer accepting web apps?
Mobile App vs Web App - Apple no longer accepting web apps?
Top 7 mobile application HTML5 frameworks
Top 7 notable less known mobile HTML5 frameworks
Here you will find mobile frameworks enumerated by their popularity with few links related to relevant books and tutorials.
jQuery Mobile
Books recommended by jQuery Mobile developers. They are on a intro level. For everything more come here to Stackoverflow. I found them ok but they are lacking certain advanced topics.
New book is coming soon from Pack Publishing. I will update this post once it becomes available.
Good framework, unfortunately to little good material to start with. Faster then jQuery mobile, optimized for iOS latform.
Appcelerator Titanium
This framework is a wildcard. Technically not a HTML5 framework because it used javascript to create a real native app.
New material. interesting framework if you have time to master it. Hard but fulfilling in the end. Would be much better if they would offer their builder tool for free.
Read this just to understand what are you getting into. A lot of developers comes here thinking that HTML5 hybrid mobile apps will solve all their problems. And because you already have an experience with Android development.
jQuery Mobile + Phonegap
Intro and installation:
This is an easy how to tutorial how to create a Phonegap app from nothing to first real example.
Usage with jQuery Mobile
While Phonegap and jQuery Mobile is not only existing solution it is probably the most common.
Slightly more advanced
You will find this link useful after some time of Phonegap usage.
An easy how to tutorial on how to use Phonegap with jQuery Mobile
jQuery Mobile
Intro and basic stuff
Other platforms
This is probably the best thing you can find. Basically this site has the same example created using numerous different HTML5 frameworks. You will find 27 examples, 8 frameworks + native app on 3 different platforms (Android, iOS and Windows Mobile).
Books recommended by Phonegap developers. They are good but quickly growing old. To be honest, I found much more useful examples here on SO.