I am wondering that I can do same thing from both .net remoting and WCF, then why WCF is more preferred over .Net remoting. Where can I choose (or in which situation) .Net remoting or WCF?
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WCF (Windows Communication Foundation), which has code-named Indigo, is a technology by which pieces of software can communicate with one another.
Windows Communication Foundation consists of several new sets of classes added to the second version, the 2.0 version, of the Microsoft .NET Framework Class Library.
It gives the feature of Web services as well as .Net Remoting. Looking into core - Windows Communication Foundation provides a software factory template for software communication, consisting of a modeling language called the Service Model, and a programming framework called the Channel Layer. One can configure the endpoints defined by an address, a binding, and a contract just by using configuration file.
source is WCF
.NET Remoting applications can use the HTTP, TCP, and SMTP protocols whereas WCF can use named pipes and MSMQ as well along with all these protocols.
You may find the best answer here: From .NET Remoting to the Windows Communication Foundation
You may also find the performance difference between the two in A Performance Comparison of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) with Existing Distributed Communication Technologies