I'm looking for a good, preferably free, test planning and documentation tool. Ideally something that will keep track of which tests have been run against which software version, with reporting ability. There's a whole bunch of tools listed here but are there any others, and which ones have you had the best experience with? (You do run tests, right?)
UPDATE 2008-01-29
So far TestLink and Fitness have been mentioned. A related question yielded also a link to the ReadySet project, an open collection of software planning documentation templates.
I have used TestLink and found it okayish, but I cannot say I enjoyed using it. Has anyone had any experience with Fitnesse? Or are there any other free tools out there that you have used and found satisfactory?
A little late on this one, but I would have to suggest you try TestLodge for your manual test management. It works in a simular way to what TestLink does, but it gives off a more professional interface and is something that we also allow our clients to use for their uat phase.
One thought, and perhaps not a good one, would be to have every test submit a ticket to your ticketing system when it's run indicating the test name, build version, and date, and test results.
That would make the results searchable later-on.
Yes, we do run tests, but not nearly as many as I'd like !
I highly recommend TestLink - the list of tools that you linked to shows that it's had more downloads than all of the other tools put together.
I've heard good things about Fitnesse but I don't know how good it's test tracking is.
I know I just recently saw a slick looking test tracker for Trac or something, but I can't find it now...
We use Quality Center / Test Director stuff. Its expensive as far as I know, and it's not that great.