I have a scene which renders a board with several objects. Clicking on one of the objects and by use of object picking I can get the object and animate the cameras position to sit in an 'overhead' view of the object. Then using the camera.lookAt method I can force the camera to look directly at the object.
I am noticing a quick jump at the start of my animation when calling camera.lookAt within the onUpdate method as it initially has a large distance to rotate to look at the object selected. Each subsequent call to camera.lookAt is tiny in comparison and is animated nicely.
// Position the camera to fit
var tween = new TWEEN.Tween(camera.position).to({
x: selectedObject.position.x,
y: selectedObject.position.y,
z: 1
}).easing(TWEEN.Easing.Quadratic.InOut).onUpdate(function() {
}).onComplete(function() {
Is there any way to animate the method or will I have to manually transform the matrix values of the camera to look at my selected object?
Here is a fiddle with an example. It uses WebGLRenderer so please use a suitable browser.
Thanks for any help.
WestLangley's answer works but seems oddly lengthy. I used the following with a pre-defined position(xyz) and target(xyz). Using perspective camera and trackball controls.
One thing you can do is tween both the camera position and the camera target (which you have to define).
It's a little tricky, because the tween's need to run exactly concurrently, and they don't... This is the reason for the camera.lookAt() call in the second tween.