I didn't like any of the solutions I found, so I wrote my own.
mod_status isn't really accurate enough. It's based on how long the server is up, which in our case is normally months. What I'm looking for is traffic spikes.
the shell script above uses a sleep() statement which isn't ideal as it takes x seconds to actually retrieve the data.
So this solution takes a particular line in the access_log 15000 requests ago, and uses the time recorded to compare with the current time.
# This check is needed because if the logs have just rolled over, then we need a minimum
# amount of data to report on.
# You will probably need to adjust the 3500000 - this is roughly the file size when the
# log file hits 15000 requests.
FILESIZE=`ls -l /var/log/httpd/access_log | awk '{print $5}' `
if [ $FILESIZE -le 3500000 ]
# not enough data - log file has rolled over
echo "APACHE_RPS|0"
# Based on 15000 requests. Depending on the location of the date field in
# your apache log file you may need to adjust the ...substr($5... bit
LASTTIME=`tail -15000 /var/log/httpd/access_log | head -1 | awk '{printf("%s\n",substr($5,2,20));}' `
APACHE_RPS=`echo $LASTTIME | gawk -vREQUESTS=15000 ' {
# convert apache datestring into time format accepted by mktime();
monthstr = substr($0,4,3);
if(monthstr == "Jan"){ monthint = "01"; }
if(monthstr == "Feb"){ monthint = "02"; }
if(monthstr == "Mar"){ monthint = "03"; }
if(monthstr == "Apr"){ monthint = "04"; }
if(monthstr == "May"){ monthint = "05"; }
if(monthstr == "Jun"){ monthint = "06"; }
if(monthstr == "Jul"){ monthint = "07"; }
if(monthstr == "Aug"){ monthint = "08"; }
if(monthstr == "Sep"){ monthint = "09"; }
if(monthstr == "Oct"){ monthint = "10"; }
if(monthstr == "Nov"){ monthint = "11"; }
if(monthstr == "Dec"){ monthint = "12"; }
mktimeformat=sprintf("%s %s %s %s %s %s [DST]\n", substr($0,8,4), monthint, substr($0,1,2), substr($0, 13,2), substr($0, 16,2), substr($0, 19,2) );
# calculate difference
difference = systime() - mktime(mktimeformat);
# printf("%s - %s = %s\n",systime(), mktime(mktimeformat), difference);
} ' `
You can use 'wc -l' on the access log to get the number of lines (which roughly corresponds to the number of requests...) Do that every minute and subtract the last value to get the delta...
Here is a short bash script I made up to sample the request rate (based on dicroce's suggestion of using wc -l on the log file).
# This script will monitor the number of lines in a log file to determine the
# number of requests per second.
# Example usage:
# reqs-per-sec -f 15 -i /var/www/http/access.log
# Author: Adam Franco
# Date: 2009-12-11
# License: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License (GPL)
usage="Usage: `basename $0` -f <frequency in seconds, min 1, default 60> -l <log file>"
# Set up options
while getopts ":l:f:" options; do
case $options in
l ) logFile=$OPTARG;;
f ) frequency=$OPTARG;;
\? ) echo -e $usage
exit 1;;
* ) echo -e $usage
exit 1;;
# Test for logFile
if [ ! -n "$logFile" ]
echo -e $usage
exit 1
# Test for frequency
if [ ! -n "$frequency" ]
# Test that frequency is an integer
if [ $frequency -eq $frequency 2> /dev/null ]
echo -e $usage
exit 3
# Test that frequency is an integer
if [ $frequency -lt 1 ]
echo -e $usage
exit 3
if [ ! -e "$logFile" ]
echo "$logFile does not exist."
echo -e $usage
exit 2
lastCount=`wc -l $logFile | sed 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/'`
while true
newCount=`wc -l $logFile | sed 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/'`
diff=$(( newCount - lastCount ))
rate=$(echo "$diff / $frequency" |bc -l)
echo $rate
sleep $frequency
I didn't like any of the solutions I found, so I wrote my own.
So this solution takes a particular line in the access_log 15000 requests ago, and uses the time recorded to compare with the current time.
You can use 'wc -l' on the access log to get the number of lines (which roughly corresponds to the number of requests...) Do that every minute and subtract the last value to get the delta...
Here is a short bash script I made up to sample the request rate (based on dicroce's suggestion of using
wc -l
on the log file).mod_status is the one! if you call it with:
Then it auto refreshes every 2 seconds so you can see a constant realtime view :-)
Script shows inconsistent numbers.
parameter affects output a lot! and first reading is not accurate either.I ended up using:
Found here.
In realtime, or can you use mod_status?
And apparently, there is a version of top for apache...