I have done a few implementations of HList now. One based on Daniel Spiewak's High Wizardry in the Land of Scala talk and another based on a post in Apocalisp blog. The goal was to have a heterogenous list of which is not heterogenous in the primary type but rather the higher kind. For example:
val requests = Request[String] :: Request[Int] :: HNil
I would be able to do a map across the list to perform the request and result in a heterogenous list of the higher kind. So:
should equal
String :: Int :: HNil
Sadly all my attempts have resulted in an HList of Any. Here is the code from a recent attempt:
class Request[+Out](o:Out) {
type O = Out
def v:O = o
object HList {
trait Func[-Elem,Out] {
type Apply[E <: Elem] <: Out
def apply[N <: Elem](e:N):Apply[N]
sealed trait HList[Base] {
type Head <: Base
type Tail <: HList[Base]
type Map[Out,F <: Func[Base,Out]] <: HList[Out]
def head:Head
def tail:Tail
def ::[A <: Base](a:A):HList[Base]
def map[Out,F <: Func[Base,Out]](f:F):Map[Out,F]
case class HNil[Base]() extends HList[Base] {
type Head = Nothing
type Tail = Nothing
type Map[Out,F <: Func[Base,Out]] = HNil[Out]
def head = error("Head of an empty HList")
def tail = error("Head of an empty HList")
def ::[A <: Base](a:A) = HCons(a,this)
def map[Out,F <: Func[Base,Out]](f:F) = new HNil[Out]
case class HCons[Base,A <: Base,B <: HList[Base]](head: A, tail: B) extends HList[Base] {
type Head = A
type Tail = B
type Map[Out,F <: Func[Base,Out]] = HCons[Out,F#Apply[Head],Tail#Map[Out,F]]
def ::[C <: Base](c:C) = HCons(c,this)
def map[Out,F <: Func[Base,Out]](f:F) =
val :: = HCons
object Test extends Application {
import HList._
val HNil = new HNil[Request[_]]
val list = new Request[Int](1) :: new Request[String]("1") :: HNil
val (a :: b :: HNil) = list
val y:Request[String] = b
val results = list.map[Any,Unwrap.type](Unwrap)
val i:Int = results.head
import HList._
object Unwrap extends Func[Request[Any],Any] {
type Apply[I <: Request[Any]] = I#O
def apply[N <: Request[Any]](e:N) = null.asInstanceOf[Apply[N]]
The other attempt was based on the Apocalisp version which uses fold to create a new HList and again it resulted in a HList of Any types. Any tips would be appreciated.
Note that you have an example of Map with HList in the recent (October 2016, 5 years after the OP) article "Using shapeless' HLists for extra type safety (in Akka Streams)" from Mikołaj Koziarkiewicz.
what you need is a Klist with type constructor
, and a natural transformationexecute: Request ~> Id
. All of this is detailed in the marvelous type-level programming series of posts at Apocalisp, in particular:you can checkout the code for the whole series from Mark Harrah's up repo
In your case, you'll need something like
method above is conceptually the same asmap
for a nat transfM ~> Id
; you also have more generalmap
which from a nat transfM ~> N
and a Klist of kind M yields a KList of kind N.The
implementation in shapeless is rich enough to subsume bothHList
functionality. It provides amap
operation which applies a higher-ranked function, possibly with type-specific cases, across it's elements yielding an appropriately typedHList
result,Note that although it's the case in the above example there's no requirement that the HList elements share a common outer type constructor, it just has to be the case that the higher-ranked function mapped with has cases for all of the types involved,
Now let's map this across an
,In this case the result type of the function being mapped is constant: it's an Int no matter what the argument type is. Consequently the resulting HList has elements all of the same type, which means that it can usefully be converted to a vanilla list,