I use: Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, Resharer 6.
In ReSharper's options i choose Visual Studio keyboard sheme and click Apply Sheme:
After that some shortcuts are not assigned, such as: Go to Declaration, Go to implementation, Find Usages, Complete symbol, etc:
- Tools -> Options, Environment -> Keyboard -> Reset
- Import and Export Settings, re-import C# developer settings
- devenv /reset
Nothing helped.
Configure shortcuts manually is not desirable. Help, please.
This is a known issue that affects all ReSharper shortcuts that include F12 after switching from IntelliJ keymap to VS keymap. It's documented in this bug report that you're free to watch and vote for. As far as I'm aware, the only workaround would be to reassign the broken shortcuts manually through Tools > Options > Keyboard.
The easiest way to solve this problem is :
These steps gonna solve your shortcuts (key bindings) issues.
You DO NOT have to constantly perform the following actions:
This one worked for me 100% after trying a bunch of other things:
Doing "Reset All Settings" in VS Import&Export usually helps with restoring shortcuts. But it will, eh, reset all VS settings.
Hpersw's solution works. in VS -> Tools -> Import & Export Settings -> Reset all settings and press finish. This should give you the shortcuts back
In VS go to Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard -> Apply the following keyboard mapping schema: [Default]