I can never remember the order of the shorthand property for setting the margin or padding in one declaration. That is:
margin-top: 2px;
margin-bottom: 4px;
margin-left: 3px;
margin-right: 8px;
may be written as
margin: 2px 8px 4px 3px;
Yes I understand that one can visualise the order by thinking of a clock, starting at midday and moving clockwise. But I keep forgetting about that. I need to recall the order top, right, bottom, left textually.
Hence, T B L R T R B L.
Something like This [R-noun] [B-verb] [L-nouns] is perhaps the way to go but I feel myself lacking inspiration. If anyone has come across a useful mnemonic for this I'd love to hear it. Like a good meme, I'm sure once I get something lodged in my brain I will be unlikely to forget it.
NOTE: This question gave incorrect information - the order (as noted in some of the comments and answers) is Top Right Bottom Left. (heh, see what I mean? -- dland)
Timewise Rotation, Bit Lame?
TROUBLE is always a secondary reminder for me, since I first think of the clockwise direction but might need to remember where you start; however, the 3-value shorthand was always confusing me until I realized the middle, (or second) value needs to represent two values (the sides). So, three values - the 2nd being 2 values - helps me remember that.
T R o u B L e.
Try Roast Beef Leftovers ?
If you don't get it right, there will be TRouBLe
TRouBLe is best for me. And if only 3 values are shown, it's Top, Sides, Bottom - which for UK users spells TSB (the bank the government had to bail out using our money) - so TRouBLe and TSB are closely linked!