Brief: Is there a way to install rabbitmq-plugins via a ubuntu package?
I have rabbitmq running ok in my ubuntu system, and now I'm trying to monitor what's going on via the management plugin. I'm following instructions, but can't execute
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
because my system does not have rabbitmq-plugins installed.
It's Ubuntu 1110, and came with rabbitmq installed as a package (aptitude install rabbitmq-server librabbitmq-dev). The config and the server are running fine (the installed version is 2.5.0).
Thought that the plugin would get installed by installing "sudo aptitude install rabbitmq-plugins-common", but doing that does not install rabbitmq-plugins.
Is there a package that will install the plugin? I'd like to avoid if possible having to purge the rabbitmq server that is running ok, and then reinstall it via a download + build from source, all just to get the plugin.
Once you installed erlang and rabbitmq-server you can find rabbitmq-plugin installed in the following directory:
then, do a symlink like this,
after this you are done.
For plugin management, see the below file.
I also faced the same problem while installing the rabbitmq in ubuntu os.
I have written a tutorial for this how to install rabbitmq in ubuntu. If you are still facing the issue then you can refer that tutorial. Hope this will help you.
If you are using Ubuntu 12.04
Steps are:--
My rabbitmq server version
Now to enable the web UI plugin
Plugin configuration has changed. Restart RabbitMQ for changes to take effect.
Check the Web UI
on your browser try
for newer versions of rabbitmq) & login via default user and password which is guest:guest & you will be able to see it all.Hope it helps.
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management, this command is for recent versions of rabbitmq, rabbitmq_management is included in rabbitmq 2.8.5, it actually activates 6 plugins, which in older versions are downloads to RABBITMQ_PLUGINS_DIR, which set in script rabbitmq-server. so it is easier to upgrade your rabbitmq.
here are 6 plugins : Activating RabbitMQ plugins ... 6 plugins activated:
I exactly faced this problem on Ubuntu 18.04.1 and was not able to enable the rabbitmq_management.
In my case mistake I did was to instal erlang after rabbitmq-server so it was not working fine. (not fully sure why but was getting exact same problem)
As solution I just uninstalled the rabbitmq-server, installed the rabbitmq-server again and all worked just fine below are the complete steps if can help others.
The rabbitmq-plugins script (and the whole concept of bundling plugins with the server release) was only introduced in RabbitMQ 2.7.0. If you want to keep using 2.5.0 then you should download the necessary plugin binaries from, drop them in /usr/lib/rabbitmq/lib/rabbitmq_server-2.5.0/plugins/ and restart.
(The necessary binaries for management are amqp_client, mochiweb, webmachine, rabbitmq_mochiweb, rabbitmq_management_agent and rabbitmq_management.)
If that sounds like a pain (well, this is why we changed it in 2.7.0!), you should consider upgrading to 2.7.1. You don't need to build from source - we make .deb packages available and have an apt repository - see