Safely remove migration In Laravel

2020-05-10 18:44发布

In Laravel, there appears to be a command for creating a migration, but not removing.

Create migration command:

php artisan migrate:make create_users_table

If I want to delete the migration, can I just safely delete the corresponding migrations file within the database/migrations folder?

Migrations file:


2楼-- · 2020-05-10 19:07

If the migration has been run (read: migrated) then you should roll back your migration to clear the history from your database table. Once you're rolled back you should be able to safely delete your migration file and then proceed with migrating again.

小情绪 Triste *
3楼-- · 2020-05-10 19:10

I accidentally created two times create_users_table. It overrided some classes and turned rollback into ErrorException.

What you need to do is find autoload_classmap.php in vendor/composer folder and look for the specific line of code such as

'CreateUsersTable' => $baseDir . '/app/database/migrations/2013_07_04_014051_create_users_table.php',

and edit path. Then your rollback should be fine.

4楼-- · 2020-05-10 19:10

I will rather do it manually

  1. Delete the model first (if you don't) need the model any longer
  2. Delete the migration from ...database/migrations folder
  3. If you have already migrated i.e if you have already run php artisan migrate, log into your phpmyadmin or SQL(whichever the case is) and in your database, delete the table created by the migration
  4. Still within your database, in the migrations folder, locate the row with that migration file name and delete the row.

Works for me, hope it helps!

5楼-- · 2020-05-10 19:22

I accidentally created a migration with a bad name (command: php artisan migrate:make). I did not run (php artisan migrate) the migration, so I decided to remove it. My steps:

  1. Manually delete the migration file under app/database/migrations/my_migration_file_name.php
  2. Reset the composer autoload files: composer dump-autoload
  3. Relax

If you did run the migration (php artisan migrate), you may do this:

a) Run migrate:rollback - it is the right way to undo the last migration (Thnx @Jakobud)

b) If migrate:rollback does not work, do it manually (I remember bugs with migrate:rollback in previous versions):

  1. Manually delete the migration file under app/database/migrations/my_migration_file_name.php
  2. Reset the composer autoload files: composer dump-autoload
  3. Modify your database: Remove the last entry from the migrations table
6楼-- · 2020-05-10 19:24

This works for me:

  1. I deleted all tables in my database, mainly the migrations table.
  2. php artisan migrate:refresh

in laravel 5.5.43

7楼-- · 2020-05-10 19:25
 php artisan migrate:fresh

Should do the job, if you are in development and the desired outcome is to start all over.

In production, that maybe not the desired thing, so you should be adverted. (The migrate:fresh command will drop all tables from the database and then execute the migrate command).

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