I have had the bellow error for some time now.
- I have tried creating new projects
- fixing the problem within the project
- Resetting all cocoa pods and more
And yet I have still not been able to get rid of this error.
Error below:
/Users/myUsername/Desktop/MapboxMap117/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-MapboxMap117/Pods-MapboxMap117-frameworks.sh: line 114: local: `/Users/myUsername/Desktop/MapboxMap117/Pods/Mapbox-iOS-SDK/dynamic/826E141E-8875-3C3B-A106-2B772F8A0684.bcsymbolmap': not a valid identifier
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
I am also getting: (dont know if it is related)
/Users/myUsername/Desktop/MapboxMap117/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-MapboxMap117/Pods-MapboxMap117-frameworks.sh: line 114: local: `=': not a valid identifier
How can I fix this error?
It may have something to do with the code in my "mainVC" which I call "mapVC". I think this because when I get rid of all the code in there or comment it out the project does not get the error.
I believe the problem is likely coming from this. I have had a similar problem where I had spaces around the "=" when I got rid of the spaces it fix the problem.
Problem should be solved.