I'm working on Cloudsim Plus(simulation Tool) for a project work and I need to calculate the power consumption of each Virtual machine for implementing VM SELECTION ALGORITHM using MAXIMUM POWER REDUCTION POLICY.
The below code is a small portion of large code, written by me in PowerExample.java which is already available in clousimPlus examples folder. I have created four Virtual machines, two host and eight cloudlets.
Map<Double, Double> percent = v.getUtilizationHistory().getHistory();
System.out.println("Vm Id " + v.getId());
for (Map.Entry<Double, Double> entry : percent.entrySet()) {
System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " " + entry.getValue());
Output of the above code :-
Vm Id 0
10.0 1.0
20.0 1.0
30.0 1.0
40.0 1.0
50.0 1.0
60.0 0.5
70.0 0.5
80.0 0.5
90.0 0.5
99.0 0.5
100.0 0.5
100.21 0.0
Vm Id 1
10.0 1.0
20.0 1.0
30.0 1.0
40.0 1.0
50.0 1.0
60.0 0.5
70.0 0.5
80.0 0.5
90.0 0.5
99.0 0.5
100.0 0.5
100.21 0.0
Vm Id 2
10.0 1.0
20.0 1.0
30.0 1.0
40.0 1.0
50.0 1.0
60.0 0.5
70.0 0.5
80.0 0.5
90.0 0.5
99.0 0.5
100.0 0.5
100.21 0.0
Vm Id 3
10.0 1.0
20.0 1.0
30.0 1.0
40.0 1.0
50.0 1.0
60.0 0.5
70.0 0.5
80.0 0.5
90.0 0.5
99.0 0.5
100.0 0.5
100.21 0.0
Based on the PowerExample you mentioned, you can add the following method in your simulation to print VM utilization history (make sure you update your CloudSim Plus to the latest version):
After updating your fork, you can get the complete PowerExample here.
Unfortunately, there is no built-in feature to store RAM and BW utilization. This way, you have to implement inside your simulation, as demonstrated in VmsRamAndBwUsageExample.java