Whenever i pull from git on my production server, which is azure vps, i have to give permission to my proejct directory, so that apache user can access it. Otherwise it says, permission denied exception. so i have to run following line in terminal every time whenever i pull new code,
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data projectDirectory
And the worst thing is whenever Laravel creates new files for log, same issue happens, which gives me following exception:
Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException: Exception 'Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException' with message 'Uncaught exception 'UnexpectedValueException' with message 'The stream or file " /storage/logs/laravel-2016-03-17.log
Can anyone tell me how i can get rid of this critical issue. Thanks
P.S. I know this is has nothing to do with laravel.
You should execute this command in Ubuntu after installation:
This commands will set correct permissions on storage folder and everything inside it. Without this Laravel will not work.
So, atlast i found a solution. What i really wanted was, whenever new file is created it should inherit all permissions from parent directory.
sudo chmod g+s /projectDirectory