I'll try to simplify my query as much as possible. I am using to textboxes one is for starting date and one is for ending date. starting date is working well but in ending date it's start date should be selected date of starting date textbox.
Here is my Code.
protected void txtSRPStartDate_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtSRPEndingDate_CalendarExtender.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtSRPStartDate_CalendarExtender.SelectedDate);
txtSRPEndingDate_CalendarExtender.EndDate = DateTime.Now;
In this code when i'd debugged the code it's showing me selected date of starting date textbox as null
Any Suggestion please.
Quote from the first link in a google search.
So instead, you need to get the date from the
not the calendar extender.