I'm using Jena to launch a SPARQL query. I have this code, which produces an error. I don't understand the reason for this error, since putting the query into the DBpedia SPARQL endpoint works! I think that I wrote the query string correctly. What's the error?
String sparqlQueryString=
"PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> "+
"select ?sub ?super (count(?mid) as ?length) where {"+
"values ?sub { <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Writer> }" +
"?sub rdfs:subClassOf* ?mid ."+
"?mid rdfs:subClassOf+ ?super .}"+
"group by (?sub ?super)"+
"order by (?length)";
query = QueryFactory.create(sparqlQueryString);
QueryExecution qexec =
Exception in thread "main" com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryParseException: Encountered "
<VAR1> "?super "" at line 1, column 231.
Was expecting one of:
"not" ...
"as" ...
"in" ...
")" ...
"=" ...
"!=" ...
">" ...
"<" ...
"<=" ...
">=" ...
"||" ...
"&&" ...
"+" ...
"-" ...
"*" ...
"/" ...
at com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.lang.ParserSPARQL11.perform(ParserSPARQL11.java:102)
at com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.lang.ParserSPARQL11.parse$(ParserSPARQL11.java:53)
at com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.lang.SPARQLParser.parse(SPARQLParser.java:37)
at com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryFactory.parse(QueryFactory.java:156)
at com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryFactory.create(QueryFactory.java:79)
at com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryFactory.create(QueryFactory.java:52)
at com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryFactory.create(QueryFactory.java:40)
at Query.QueryRDF.retrieveSuperClasses(QueryRDF.java:87)
at Query.QueryRDF.main(QueryRDF.java:144)
Dont' put parentheses around the
variables. That is, it should begroup by ?sub ?super
, and notgroup by (?sub ?super)
. This is pretty clear if you add newlines with\n
to your query, so that it's easier to see where the error is. E.g., when I try to compile the following code, I get the following run time error.The error points right to the problematic line. Parentheses aren't needed here, as the
production in the grammar expects one or moreGroupCondition
s, which have a form defined by this production:If there's a
GROUP BY (...)
it's supposed to be something likeYou could also have tested this by pasting your query
into sparql.org's query validator from which you'd get the output: