I have a certain range of data. Below are the example data:
PAT PID 0 Min 3001
PAT PID 0 Mean 3754
PAT PID 0 Max 4542
CAT PID 1 Min 15004
CAT PID 1 Mean 15040
CAT PID 1 Max 15141
EMM PID 201 Min 32105
EMM PID 201 Mean 584120
EMM PID 201 Max 1339633
And I would like to transpose the data as follow:
PAT PID 0 3001 3754 4542
CAT PID 1 15004 15040 15141
EMM PID 201 32105 584120 1339633
I found a similar situation posted in the forum previously(as below)
VBA Code - Copy and Transpose paste with specific conditions
Unfortunately i get this error "error 9: Subscript out of range.". I have checked the sheet name and debugged everything but no luck.
As requested below are the code i tried to used:
Sub test()
Dim Dic As Object: Set Dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim CLa As Range, CLb As Range, x&, Names$, ID$, Key
x = Sheets("Sheet3").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For Each CLa In Sheets("Sheet3").Range("A1:A" & x)
If Not Dic.exists(CStr(CLa.Value)) Then
ID = CLa.Value
For Each CLb In Sheets("Sheet3").Range("A1:A" & x)
If CLb.Value = ID Then
If Names = "" Then
Names = CLb.Offset(, 1).Value
Names = Names & "," & CLb.Offset(, 1).Value
End If
End If
Next CLb
Dic.Add ID, Names
End If
ID = Empty: Names = Empty
Next CLa
x = 1
For Each Key In Dic
Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(x, 1).Value = Key
Sheets("Sheet2").Range(Cells(x, 2), Cells(x, 4)) = Split(Dic(Key), ",")
x = x + 1
Next Key
Sheets("Sheet2").Cells.Replace "#N/A", Replacement:=""
End Sub
Try this:
Since you want to keep the values of columns A:C as a unique ID, there is a need to "Merge" them together as a
when saving them inside theDictionary
s (adding a,
in between them). Later, when extracting the information to "Sheet2", we can use theSplit
funtion to extract the string to 3 elements inIDVal