When I run a script that tries to batch merge all nodes a certain types, I am getting some weird performance results.
When merging 2 collections of nodes (~42k) and (~26k), the performance is nice and fast. But when I merge (~42) and (5), performance DRAMATICALLY degrades. I'm batching the ParentNodes (so (~42k) split up in batches of 500. Why does performance drop when I'm, essentially, merging less nodes (when the batch set is the same, but the source of the batch set is high and the target set is low)?
Relation Query:
MATCH (s:ContactPlayer)
WHERE has(s.ContactPrefixTypeId)
WITH collect(s) AS allP
WITH allP[7000..7500] as rangedP
FOREACH (parent in rangedP |
MERGE (child:ContactPrefixType
MERGE (child)-[r:CONTACTPLAYER]->(parent)
SET r.ContactPlayerId = parent.ContactPlayerId ,
r.ContactPrefixTypeId = child.ContactPrefixTypeId )
Performance Results:
Process Starting
Starting to insert Contact items [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++]
- Total time for 42149 Contact items: 19176.87ms
- Average time per batch (500): 213.4ms
- Longest batch time: 663ms
Starting to insert ContactPlayer items [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
- Total time for 27970 ContactPlayer items: 9419.2106ms
- Average time per batch (500): 167.75ms
- Longest batch time: 689ms
Starting to relate Contact to ContactPlayer [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
- Total time taken to relate Contact to ContactPlayer: 7907.4877ms
- Average time per batch (500): 141.151517857143ms
- Longest batch time: 883.0918ms for Batch number: 0
Starting to insert ContactPrefixType items
- Total time for 5 ContactPrefixType items: 22.0737ms
- Average time per batch (500): 22ms
- Longest batch time: 22ms
Already inserted data for Contact.
Starting to relate ContactPrefixType to Contact [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++]
- Total time taken to relate ContactPrefixType to Contact: 376540.8309ms
- Average time per batch (500): 4429.78643647059ms
- Longest batch time: 14263.1843ms for Batch number: 63
So far, the best I could come up with is the following (and it's a hack, specific to my environment):
If / Else condition:
If childrenNodes.count() < 200
-> assume they are type identifiers for the parent... i.e.ContactPrefixType
Else assume it is a matrix for relating multiple item types together (i.e. ContactAddress)
If childNodes < 200
This takes about 3-5 seconds to complete per relationship type
I'm not sure this is the most efficient way of doing this, but after trying MANY different options, this seems to be the fastest.
Total: 331 seconds.
Because this is a straight import and I'm not dealing with updates yet, I assume that all the relationships are correct and don't need to worry about invalid data... however, I will try to set properties to the relationship type so as to be able to perform cleanup functions later (i.e. store the parent and child Id's in the relationship type as properties for later reference)
If anyone can improve on this, I would love it.
Can you pass the ids in as parameters rather than fetch them from the graph? The query could look like
If you use the REST API Cypher resource, I think the entity should look something like
If you use the transactional endpoint, it should look something like this. You control transaction size by the number of statements in each call, and also by the number of calls before you commit. More here.