How can I prevent NAN issues?

2020-05-07 08:01发布

I'm getting Mean of empty slice runtime warnings. When I print out what my variables are (numpy arrays), several of them contain nan values. The Runtime Warning is looking at line 58 as the issue. What can I change to make it work?

Sometimes the program will run with no issues. Most times it does not.

This is a K-Means from scratch algorithm that is clustering the iris data set. It first prompts the users for the amount of centroids they want (clusters). It then randomly generates said number of clusters in the given range from the numbers in the loaded in text file.

I have the break value in the else statement to prevent infinite loops.

Is it because I am having numbers go below zero when I subtract the Centroids from the data points in the file?

Error I get when I run:

How Many Centrouds? 3
Dimensionality of Data:  (150, 4)
Starting Centroiuds:
 [[ 1.4  7.9  0.2  3.4]
 [ 7.8  0.2  4.3  1.4]
 [ 5.7  6.9  3.   6.6]]
t0 :
 [[[-3.7  4.4 -1.2  3.2]
  [ 2.7 -3.3  2.9  1.2]
  [ 0.6  3.4  1.6  6.4]]

 [[-3.5  4.9 -1.2  3.2]
  [ 2.9 -2.8  2.9  1.2]
  [ 0.8  3.9  1.6  6.4]]

 [[-3.3  4.7 -1.1  3.2]
  [ 3.1 -3.   3.   1.2]
  [ 1.   3.7  1.7  6.4]]

 [[-5.1  4.9 -5.   1.4]
  [ 1.3 -2.8 -0.9 -0.6]
  [-0.8  3.9 -2.2  4.6]]

 [[-4.8  4.5 -5.2  1.1]
  [ 1.6 -3.2 -1.1 -0.9]
  [-0.5  3.5 -2.4  4.3]]

 [[-4.5  4.9 -4.9  1.6]
  [ 1.9 -2.8 -0.8 -0.4]
  [-0.2  3.9 -2.1  4.8]]]

Warning (from warnings module):
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\", line 59
    warnings.warn("Mean of empty slice.", RuntimeWarning)
RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.

Warning (from warnings module):
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\", line 68
    ret, rcount, out=ret, casting='unsafe', subok=False)
RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
Starting Centroids:

[[ 1.4  7.9  0.2  3.4]
 [ 7.8  0.2  4.3  1.4]
 [ 5.7  6.9  3.   6.6]]

Starting NewMeans:

[[        nan         nan         nan         nan]
 [ 5.84333333  3.054       3.75866667  1.19866667]
 [        nan         nan         nan         nan]]
Starting Centroids Now:

[[        nan         nan         nan         nan]
 [ 5.84333333  3.054       3.75866667  1.19866667]
 [        nan         nan         nan         nan]]

NewMeans now:
[[        nan         nan         nan         nan]
 [ 5.84333333  3.054       3.75866667  1.19866667]
 [        nan         nan         nan         nan]]

Python Code:

import numpy as np
from pprint import pprint
import random
import sys
import warnings

arglist = sys.argv 

NoOfCentroids = int(arglist[2])
dataPointsFromFile = np.array(np.loadtxt(sys.argv[1], delimiter = ','))

dataPointsFromFile = np.array(np.loadtxt('iris.txt', delimiter = ','))

NoOfCentroids = input('How Many Centrouds? ')

dataRange = ([])

with open(arglist[1]) as f:
    print 'Points in data set: ',sum(1 for _ in f)
dataRange = np.asarray(dataRange)

dataPoints = np.array(dataPointsFromFile)
print 'Dimensionality of Data: ', dataPoints.shape

randomCentroids = []
data = ([])
templist = []
i = 0

while i<NoOfCentroids:
    for j in range(len(dataPointsFromFile[1,:])):
        cat = round(random.uniform(np.amin(dataPointsFromFile),np.amax(dataPointsFromFile)),1)
    templist = []
    i = i+1

centroids = np.asarray(randomCentroids)

def kMeans(array1, array2):
    ConvergenceCounter = 1
    keepGoing = True
    StartingCentroids = np.copy(centroids)
    print 'Starting Centroiuds:\n {}'.format(StartingCentroids)
    while keepGoing:      
        #--------------Find The new means---------#
        t0 = StartingCentroids[None, :, :] - dataPoints[:, None, :]
        print 't0 :\n {}'.format(t0)
        t1 = np.linalg.norm(t0, axis=-1)
        t2 = np.argmin(t1, axis=-1)
        #------Push the new means to a new array for comparison---------#
        CentroidMeans = []
        for x in range(len(StartingCentroids)):
            CentroidMeans.append(np.mean(dataPoints[t2 == [x]], axis=0))
        #--------Convert to a numpy array--------#
        NewMeans = np.asarray(CentroidMeans)
        #------Compare the New Means with the Starting Means------#
        if np.array_equal(NewMeans,StartingCentroids):
            print ('Convergence has been reached after {} moves'.format(ConvergenceCounter))
            print ('Starting Centroids:\n{}'.format(centroids))
            print ('Final Means:\n{}'.format(NewMeans))
            print ('Final Cluster assignments: {}'.format(t2))
            for x in xrange(len(StartingCentroids)):
                print ('Cluster {}:\n'.format(x)), dataPoints[t2 == [x]]
            for x in xrange(len(StartingCentroids)):
                print ('Size of Cluster {}:'.format(x)), len(dataPoints[t2 == [x]])
            keepGoing = False
            print 15*'-'
            ConvergenceCounter  = ConvergenceCounter +1
            print 'Starting Centroids:\n'
            print StartingCentroids
            print '\n'
            print 'Starting NewMeans:\n'
            print NewMeans
            StartingCentroids =np.copy(NewMeans)
            print 'Starting Centroids Now:\n'
            print StartingCentroids
            print '\n'
            print 'NewMeans now:'
            print NewMeans

kMeans(centroids, dataPoints)

2楼-- · 2020-05-07 08:23

I assume the warning comes up in

np.mean(dataPoints[t2 == [x]], axis=0)

If t2 == [x] is all False (no match between t2 and x, then dataPoints[...] will be an empty array, resulting in the mean warning.

I think you need to be more careful with that test. Maybe even skip the mean if the masked array is empty.

== tests with floating values are unpredictable. You need to use something like np.isclose or np.allclose to test equivalence with a tolerance.

The second warning comes from later in the mean calc, presumably when trying to divide by 0, the number of elements.

The full mean code can be found in

In sum, don't try to take the mean of an empty array.

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