RUBY? Ruby? ruby? What's good style?
I know the answer—I just wanted to make sure the question was out there and questioners were aware that there is a correct form.
Also, should I capitalize "gem" as "GEM"?
class TestLanguageName < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_language_name
class StackOverflow
def describe_language(string)
# Which of the following?
methods = [:upcase, :capitalize, :downcase]
The programming language is called Ruby (that's how they write it on the official site).
As for gems, the full name of the project is RubyGems, with inner-caps, but the things you produce for it are simply gems (unlike a lot of open-source projects, it doesn't stand for anything — it's just a pun on "Ruby").
As a side note, even though the language is "Ruby", the name of the official Ruby interpreter on most systems is ruby — the capitalization matters here because many filesystems are case-sensitive, so trying to run "Ruby" will get you a whole bunch of nothing. But to distinguish it from other Ruby interpreters, in conversation this implementation is usually called "MRI" (for "Matz's Ruby Interpreter").
Section 1.9 of FAQ says:
Either Ruby or ruby is correct.