I have prepared a small jsfiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/zb8jwre6/
Basically, I have observable array of sliders, and each slider should have it's own observable array of segments, which contain some properties for CSS-binding in HTML.
My first problem is that I'am not sure which foreach bind should i use:
This one doesn't work for some reason:
<div data-bind "foreach: $root.sliders">
<p data-bind="text: day"></p>
This one works, but I am not sure in which cases should I use this one:
<!-- ko foreach: sliders-->
<p data-bind="text: day"></p>
<!-- /ko -->
My second problem is that I don't know how to apply wanted CSS stylings from segment observable array.
I have tried this:
<div class='slider-segment' data-bind= "style: {left: segment_left, width:
segment_width, backgroundColor: segment_color}"></div>
But this does not work. I think I need to make those properties also as observables, but I am not sure how to do this properly in ViewModel
I would like to know what foreach binding should I use. When can I use "comment" foreach bindng and when do I use normal one, and I would like to know how to rework my code, so I can bind CSS properties from segments observable array.
Thank you!
I've changed
See: http://jsfiddle.net/x4a8pkmu/
The "comment" syntax is useful if you do not want a container element. For example:
produces the same effects as:
loops - 'Comment' foreach does not have a parentdiv
tag around the repeating child tags, while the other one does. So the outputs would look like:Comment foreach:
Div foreach:
The comment foreach is useful for cases like these: