I am trying to apply component-labeling via contour tracing of a simple array as an example.
arr = np.array([
This represents a binary image, with 0 being empty space and 1 representing the shape.
The result I am trying to get is separately labeling these two polygons and showing in a graph via matplotlib each polygon in a different color (as proof that each point in the polygon has been labeled to a respective region.
I thought that the combination of skimage.measure.regionprops, skimage.measure.label, and skimage.measure.find_contours would do the trick, but I haven't been able to find any examples that I am looking for to work off of.
I have spent hours trying to understand the documentation and searching for previous posts and am at a dead end now. This post hereseems like something similar to my problem, although I would want to be able to label each pixel inside shape rather then just the perimeters.
Any help or explanation of what I SHOULD be doing instead muchly appreciated. Thank you
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