I have a login request and I want to assert a value from the response.
Here is this response:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns="https://TUI.io/ns/20110812">
<response>{"timestamp": "2015-11-30T17:05:37Z", "data": {"file": null, "token": "16e5fd", "endpoints": [{"label": "app1", "branc": [{"url": "/app1/v1.0/", "name": "test", }]}}, "success": true}</response>
Now I want to assert:
file = null
endpoints = [{"label": "app1", "branc": [{"url": "/app1/v1.0/", "name": "test", }]
I tried this:
// check for RequestId element in response
def holder = new XmlHolder( messageExchange.responseContentAsXml )
assert holder["//ns1:file"] != null
I have not been able to resolve class XmlHolder
Here is the groovy script, which will log the profile, endpoints
Similarly, you may query using
and json property any value as shown above.For ex, to get
- you may use -json.timestamp
and to gettoken
etc.,EDIT: Based comments - intended to use in script assertion to handle response dynamically.