How can I convert conditional aggregation mysql to

2020-05-06 13:36发布

My sql query like this :

SELECT a.number, a.description,
       MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'brand' then b.attribute_value END) as brand,
       MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'model' then b.attribute_value END) as model,
       MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'category' then b.attribute_value END) as category,
       MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'subcategory' then b.attribute_value END) as subcategory
FROM items a JOIN
     attr_maps b
     ON b.number = a.number
GROUP BY a.number, a.description
HAVING brand = 'honda'

If the query executed, it works

I want to convert the query sql to laravel query

I try like this :

$query = Item::selectRaw("a.number, a.description, MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'brand' then b.attribute_value END) as brand, MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'model' then b.attribute_value END) as model, MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'category' then b.attribute_value END) as category, MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'subcategory' then b.attribute_value END) as subcategory")
        ->from('items as a')
        ->join('attr_maps as b','b.number','=','a.number')
foreach($param as $key => $value) {
    $query = $query->havingRaw("$key = $value");
$query = $query->orderBy('description')
return $query;

It the query executed, there exist error like this :

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'brand' in 'having clause' (SQL: select count(*) as aggregate from `items` as `a` inner join `attr_maps` as `b` on `b`.`no` = `a`.`no` group by `a`.`no` having brand = honda)

How can I solve the error?


The result of echo '<pre>';print_r($param);echo '</pre>';die(); :

    [brand] => honda
    [model] => pcx
    [category] => test1
    [subcategory] => test2


I had find a solution. It like this :

public function list($param) 
    $brand = "MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'brand' then b.attribute_value END)";
    $model = "MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'model' then b.attribute_value END)";
    $category = "MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'category' then b.attribute_value END)";
    $subcategory = "MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'subcategory' then b.attribute_value END)";

    $query = Item::selectRaw("a.number, a.description, {$brand} as brand, {$model} as model, {$category} as category, {$subcategory} as subcategory")
            ->from('items as a')
            ->join('item_attr_maps as b','b.number','=','a.number')

    foreach($param as $key => $value) {
        $query = $query->havingRaw("{$$key} = ?", [$value]);

    $query = $query->orderBy('description')

    return $query;

2楼-- · 2020-05-06 14:14

You have to supply the aggregate function in having clause, we can reuse the same one that we have in select like this

$brand = "MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'brand' then b.attribute_value END)";

$model = "MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'model' then b.attribute_value END)";

$category = "MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'category' then b.attribute_value END)";

$subcategory = "MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'subcategory' then b.attribute_value END)";

$brandName = 'honda';

$query = Item::selectRaw("a.number, a.description, {$brand} as brand, {$model} as model, {$category} as category, {$subcategory} as subcategory")
        ->from('items as a')
        ->join('attr_maps as b','b.number','=','a.number')
        ->havingRaw("{$brand} = ?", [$brandName])

return $query;

EDIT: After comments

You can execute for each params like this

$query = Item::selectRaw("a.number, a.description, {$brand} as brand, {$model} as model, {$category} as category, {$subcategory} as subcategory")
    ->from('items as a')
    ->join('attr_maps as b','b.number','=','a.number')

foreach($param as $key => $value) {
     $query = $query->havingRaw("{$$key} = ?", [$value]);

$results = $query->paginate(10);

return $results;
3楼-- · 2020-05-06 14:18

Hope this helps you -

$perPage = $request->input("per_page", 10);
$page = $request->input("page", 1);
$skip = $page * $perPage;
if($take < 1) { $take = 1; }
if($skip < 0) { $skip = 0; }

$basicQuery =DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT a.number, a.description,
       MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'brand' then b.attribute_value END) as brand,
       MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'model' then b.attribute_value END) as model,
       MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'category' then b.attribute_value END) as category,
       MAX(CASE WHEN b.attribute_code = 'subcategory' then b.attribute_value END) as subcategory
FROM items a JOIN
     attr_maps b
     ON b.number = a.number
GROUP BY a.number, a.description
HAVING brand = 'honda'"
$totalCount = $basicQuery->count();
$results = $basicQuery
    ->take($perPage) // can be 10
$paginator = new \Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator($results,     $totalCount, $take, $page);
return $paginator;
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