PHP - BBCode parser - recursive [quote] with regex

2020-05-06 10:49发布

i'm making my own bbcode parser, and i've a problem when i try to do the recursive quote.

this is my code :

 function forumBBCode($str){

'<blockquote class="quotearea"><i><a class="lblackbu" href="./index.php?status=userview&userv=$1">$1</a> wrote :</i><br />$2</blockquote>'

$str=preg_replace($format_search, $format_replace, $str);
return $str;

what i must add/edit to do a recursive quote? in other words, when a quote is inside another quote...

cheers and tnx for the help

2楼-- · 2020-05-06 11:27

This is an old Q but I'll post my solution anyway for ppl =]

$open = '<blockquote><span class="bold">Quote: </span><br />'; //the next few lines do the parsing for quote blocks. We 
        $close = '</blockquote>';                                      //have to do it outside the normal parsing arrays because that way does not allow nesting.

        preg_match_all ('/\[quote\]/i', $str, $matches);
        $opentags = count($matches['0']);

        preg_match_all ('/\[\/quote\]/i', $str, $matches);
        $closetags = count($matches['0']);

        $unclosed = $opentags - $closetags;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $unclosed; $i++) {
                $str .= '</blockquote>';
//Do Quotes (nested)
        $str = str_replace ('[quote]', $open, $str);
        $str = preg_replace('/\[quote\=(.*?)\]/is','<blockquote class="darkbg"><span class="bold left">Quote: $1</span><br />', $str);
        $str = str_replace ('[/quote]', $close, $str);
return $str;


3楼-- · 2020-05-06 11:35

See here: Recursive patterns on the PHP manual.

This may also interest you, though it's more of a technicality: Why is recursive regex not regex?

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