I've made a lmplot column plot (subplot) using the following commands:
g = sns.lmplot(x=COX, y='dX', data=tidy_data, hue='hue', col='comp',
col_wrap=8, fit_reg=True, scatter=True, aspect=1.5,
legend_out=True, truncate=True, scatter_kws={"s": 200})
figure of the plotted lmplot FacetGrid
The FacetGrid seems to set the ylim of all subplots to the maximum value in all of the data. I would like to set the ylim individually for each subplot. I first looked to the answer of this question:
How to set some xlim and ylim in Seaborn lmplot facetgrid
I tested:
>>> (23, )
>>> AxesSubplot(0.0189366,0.704381;0.116079x0.258196)
g.axes[0].set_ylim(0, 1)
However, this method also seems to give the same ylim for all subplots. Maybe I'm not accessing the right axis? I'd really appreciate some help.
If you want to be able to alter the ylim of one particular plot in the
you have to explicitly create it withg = sns.lmplot(..., sharey=False)