how to convert bayerrg8 format image to rgb image

2020-05-06 10:04发布

I've got a camera that provides images in Bayer RG8 format.

I'm using skimage for processing images, but I could not find away to convert the Bayer RG8 format to standard RGB (to display on screen).

Is there any way to do this with skimage?

I did find a reference to opencv conversion, but I'm trying to avoid including opencv in my app (unless it is absolutely necessary).

2楼-- · 2020-05-06 10:43

As you have not provided any input data, I took the greyscale image from here and made it into a raw Bayer8 file with GBRG ordering using ImageMagick as follows:

magick mandi.png -trim -depth 8 gray:bayer.bin

which gives me an 1013x672 pixel file of 680,736 bytes.

Then I read it like this and made it into an image that skimage can understand like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import numpy as np
from import imsave

# Width and height of Bayer image, not original which is w/2 x h/2
w, h = 1013, 672
ow, oh = w//2, h//2

# Load in Bayer8 image, assumed raw 8-bit GBRG
bayer = np.fromfile('bayer.bin', dtype=np.uint8).reshape((h,w))

# Pick up raw uint8 samples
R  = bayer[1::2, 0::2]     # rows 1,3,5,7 columns 0,2,4,6
B  = bayer[0::2, 1::2]     # rows 0,2,4,6 columns 1,3,5,7
G0 = bayer[0::2, 0::2]     # rows 0,2,4,6 columns 0,2,4,6
G1 = bayer[1::2, 1::2]     # rows 1,3,5,7 columns 1,3,5,7

# Chop any left-over edges and average the 2 Green values
R = R[:oh,:ow]
B = B[:oh,:ow]
G = G0[:oh,:ow]//2 + G1[:oh,:ow]//2

# Formulate image by stacking R, G and B and save
out = np.dstack((R,G,B)) 

And get this:

enter image description here

Copyright Mathworks, Inc.

Of course, there are more sophisticated methods of interpolating, but this is the most basic and you are welcome to take it and improve it!

Ok, I had some time and I tried to do a 2d-interpolation of the missing values in the Bayer array. I am not 100% confident of my answer, but I think it should be pretty close.

Basically, I copy the original Bayer array at full resolution, and overwrite all green and blue samples with np.Nan and call that Red. Then I do a 2d-interpolation to replace the Nans.

Same again for green and blue, that gives this:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import numpy as np
from import imsave
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

def interp2d(im):
    """Interpolate in 2d array, replacing NaNs with interpolated values"""
    x, y = np.indices(im.shape)
    im[np.isnan(im)] = griddata(
       (x[~np.isnan(im)], y[~np.isnan(im)]),
       (x[np.isnan(im)], y[np.isnan(im)]))
    im = np.nan_to_num(im)
    return np.clip((im),0,255)

# Width and height of Bayer image
w, h = 1013, 672

# Calculate output width and height as multiples of 4
ow = (w//4) * 4
oh = (h//4) * 4

# Load in Bayer8 image, assumed raw 8-bit GBRG, reshape and make sides multiple of 4
bayer = np.fromfile('bayer.bin', dtype=np.uint8).reshape((h,w)).astype(np.float)[:oh, :ow]

# In following code you'll see "cell" which is the basic repeating 2x2 cell of a Bayer matrix
# cell = G B
#        R G

# Set everything not Red in bayer array to Nan, then replace Nans with interpolation
cell = np.array([[np.NaN, np.NaN],
                 [1.0   , np.NaN]])
R = bayer*np.tile(cell,(oh//2,ow//2))
R = interp2d(R).astype(np.uint8)

# Set everything not Green in bayer array to Nan, then replace Nans with interpolation
cell = np.array([[1.0   , np.NaN],
                 [np.NaN, 1.0   ]])
G = bayer*np.tile(cell,(oh//2,ow//2))
G = interp2d(G).astype(np.uint8)

# Set everything not Blue in bayer array to Nan, then replace Nans with interpolation
cell = np.array([[np.NaN, 1.0   ],
                 [np.NaN, np.NaN]])
B = bayer*np.tile(cell,(oh//2,ow//2))
B = interp2d(B).astype(np.uint8)

# Form image by stacking R, G and B and save

Keywords: Python, bayer, bayer8, debayer, de-bayer, de-mosaic, de-mosaicking, image, raw, CFA, skimage, scikit-image, image processing.

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