Is there any way to display an extension pages dialog box when my page loads?
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You could use jQuery to 'push' the button on page load.
Try putting this clientside js code in your onClientLoad event
You will have to load jQuery to use this if you don't already have it loaded. You might also be able to do the same thing with dojo.
EDIT: You might have to modify the selector (the tag and class in the parens line 2) above if not using bootstrap. I would give it a unique class so as not to 'push' any other buttons at the same time.
Add a
<xp:scriptBlock />
with the following client-side code as itsvalue
...just be sure to place the component outside any refresh targets, or it will launch the dialog again after every partial refresh event with a target that includes it.
Try adding a dojo.addOnLoad() (in a xp:scriptblock) that displays the dialog using CSJS: XSP.openDialog()