How to produce an ordered sequence of vertices of

2020-05-05 03:12发布

Here is the cellular representation of polygon shown:-

enter image description here

Here is the extracted polygon shown.

enter image description here

We are given the input as a matrix polM that stores 1 for pink cells and 2 for yellow cells. From the yellow colored cells we want to create a polygon. This is also done using below code derived from here.

close all;

hold on
axis equal
axis ij
colormap([1.0000         0    0.7931;
    1.0000    0.8276         0]);
gds = bsxfun(@times,gds,gcs);
axis([0 350 100 450])

% we identify patterns with edges over 2x2 patches, describing with
% the first 4 binary values what pixels are set, and with the next 2
% the edge with 2 indices over the 2x2 patch
patterns = [
    0,1,0,1,  3,4 % vertical edge at rhe right
    1,0,1,0,  1,2 % vertical edge at the left
    0,0,1,1,  2,4 % horizontal edge at the bottom
    1,1,0,0,  1,3 % horizontal edge at the top
    1,0,0,1,  1,4 % diagonal edge
    0,1,1,0,  2,3 % diagonal edge
    1,0,1,1,  1,4 % diagonal edge, extra pixel set
    1,1,0,1,  1,4 % diagonal edge, extra pixel set
    1,1,1,0,  2,3 % diagonal edge, extra pixel set
    0,1,1,1,  2,3 % diagonal edge, extra pixel set

% 2x2 patches (matrix form)
P00 = A(1:end-1,1:end-1);
P10 = A(2:end,1:end-1);
P01 = A(1:end-1,2:end);
P11 = A(2:end,2:end);

% edge unique identifier using powers of 2
id = @(p00,p01,p10,p11) 1*p00 + 2*p10 + 4*p01 + 8*p11;
P = id(P00,P01,P10,P11); % vectorized pattern identification

% edges
e0 = []; % from (i,j)
e1 = []; % to (i,j)
for i = 1:size(patterns, 1) % small loop over the 10 patterns
    p = patterns(i, :);
    E = (P == id(p(1),p(2),p(3),p(4))); % pattern search, vectorized
    [c,r] = ind2sub(size(E), find(E));
    [c0,r0] = ind2sub([2,2], p(5));
    [c1,r1] = ind2sub([2,2], p(6));
    e0 = [e0; c+c0, r+r0];
    e1 = [e1; c+c1, r+r1];

X = [e0(:,2) e1(:,2)]';
Y = size(A,1) - [e0(:,1) e1(:,1)]';

hold on
axis equal
axis ij
Y=Y*20; Y=500-Y;
plot(X, Y, '.-')
axis([0 350 100 450])

But the output of this code which represents the polygon is given by arrays X and Y. I want to express the output in nx2 matrix form where all rows represent a vertex if the final polygon and the vertices are in a clockwise or counter clockwise order starting from the first vertex. There are methods here that can post-process a jumbled sequence of vertices to an ordered sequence but i want an algorithm to determine the polygonal vertices from input matrix polM in an ordered sequence only. SO input is polM and output is a nx2 matrix of polygon vertices in either cw or ccw order only.

Can someone suggest an efficient change to the algorithm?


If you add this piece of code assuming ordered result is already coming you get error:-

hold on
axis([0 350 100 450])
axis equal
axis ij
line(newp(:,1), newp(:,2));

Basically i want to resolve this error.

2楼-- · 2020-05-05 03:36

X and Y are both 2xn matrices specifying n unordered vertexes, i.e. a line should be drawn between [X(1, i) Y(1, i)] and [X(2, i) Y(2, i)] for every i=1:n. Because all the vertexes are connected, every point should occur twice in these X and Y matrices. Therefore, one can start at an arbitrary point on the polygon and search the next point iteratively. This can be done as follows:

% XY_from: a `nx2` matrix containing all starting points 
% with a third column indicating if this vertex is already used
XY_from = [X(1, :)' Y(1, :)' zeros(size(X, 2), 1)]; 
XY_to = [X(2, :)' Y(2, :)' zeros(size(X, 2), 1)]; % similar matrix for destination points
new_poly = zeros(size(X, 2)+1, 2); % allocate output space
new_poly(1, :) = XY_from(1, 1:2); % select an arbitrary starting point
for i=2:size(new_poly, 1)
  index = find(all([new_poly(i-1, :) 0] == XY_from, 2), 1); % search the previous (unused) point in the starting points
  if isempty(index) 
    index = find(all([new_poly(i-1, :) 0] == XY_to, 2), 1); % if no point was found, search it in the destination points
    new_poly(i, :) = XY_from(index, 1:2); % add the new point (corresponding with the found destination point)
    new_poly(i, :) = XY_to(index, 1:2); % add the new point (corresponding with the found start point)
  XY_from(index, 3) = 1; % indicate that this start point is used
  XY_to(index, 3) = 1; % indicate that this destination point is used

hold on
plot(new_poly(:, 1), new_poly(:, 2), '--k', 'LineWidth', 2); % plot on top of the polygon

enter image description here

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