I'm monitoring a log file for a specific word and using tac to output the 5 lines before and after it
tac /var/log/syslog |grep -m1 -A5 -B5 'WORD' | tac >> /tmp/systemp
mailx email commands
rm /tmp/systemp
and I've setup a cron to run every 5 minutes however as expected I receive duplicate alert emails, how do I make it send an email for the last occurrence and not again until the next one?
Feb 27 15:05:39 WORD (email)
Cron runs again after 5 minutes
Feb 27 15:05:39 WORD (don't email)
Cron runs again after 5 minutes
Feb 27 15:35:39 WORD (email)
You should only search trough last 5 min of data:
Then you can grep from this data:
Or all in one