I've turned one of my user data entry forms into a uib-modal, but I get when I attempt to close the modal from the "cancel"button, I get this error: this.$modalInstance.dismiss is not a function.
. Same thing is if use this.modalInstance.close().
Which is weird because TypeScript seems to think those methods should be there based on the code completion in VS Code.
Anyway, the basic set up is as follows:
Controller which opens the modal:
class TestModalController {
static $inject = ['$modal'];
options: ng.ui.bootstrap.IModalSettings;
myModal? : ng.ui.bootstrap.IModalInstanceService;
constructor(private $modal: ng.ui.bootstrap.IModalService) {
this.options = {
animation: true,
component: 'fringeEdit',
windowClass: 'fringe-edit',
resolve: {}
openFringeEdit() {
this.myModal = this.$modal.open(this.options);
This works fine, the modal opens as expected.
This is the modal instance itself:
class FringeEditController {
static $inject =['$uibModalInstance']
constructor(private $uibModalInstance: ng.ui.bootstrap.IModalInstanceService) {
dismiss() {
this.$uibModalInstance.close("closed"); //This throws error whether using dismiss or close
Registration Code:
app.controller("FringeEditController",['$uibModalInstance', FringeEditController]);
app.controller("TestModalController", ['$uibModal', TestModalController]);
app.component("fringeEdit", {
controller: "FringeEditController",
templateUrl: "/template/fringeEditTemplate.html",
bindings: {}
I've tried several tweaks from various posts here, but I keep getting this error, which leads me to believe that whatever is being passed in as as $uibModalInstance isn't actually a $uibModalInstance, otherwise close and dismiss would work, wouldn't it?
Not really sure what else to try.
When using the
property of the$uibModal.open
method, use bindings instead of local injection:Then use the bindings in the controller:
From the Docs:
For more information, see