Sample Data:
UniqueID Description ConsolidatedText
Str1 Here is a sentence Here is a sentence
Str2 And another sentence. And another sentence. And some words
Str2 And some words
Str3 123 123
Str4 abc abc ###"
Str5 ###
I have a number of records (~4000) each with a UniqueID value (text) and a text field (potentially quite lengthy) which is a user-entered description of the data. I need to consolidate the spreadsheet by concatenating all the descriptions into a single record where there are multiple occurrences of the UniqueID value. Generically, I want to loop through the range of potential values and say "if UniqueID is equal, then take all of the Description values and concatenate them together in a single row (either the first row or a new row) then delete all the old rows." Basically, I want to create the ConsolidatedText field in this sample data, and then also delete the extra rows. This is beyond my VBA programming abilities, and any help with the structure of this macro would be greatly appreciated.