I am trying to build an app in Shiny that (1) asks user for number of Assets in his/her portfolio. Depending on the numeric entry, (2) the user is presented with one numeric box to enter the % of portfolio owned AND the Ticker/name of the Asset. For instance, If the user enters 3 for number of assets in portfolio, he will be presented with something like this:
Asset1 ----> Enter ticker______ Enter Wight______
Asset2 ----> Enter ticker______ Enter Wight______
Asset3 ----> Enter ticker______ Enter Wight______
This is suppose to be dynamic so the greater the number of assets, the greater the input fields. Finally, in step (3), I want to save the entered information for each Asset in a table and display the table.
Here is what I have got and it is no where near what I need it to be. I am totally new to Shiny and that is half the reason for my troubles:
shinyUI(pageWithSidebar (
headerPanel( "Portfolio Returns"),
numericInput("assets", label = "Enter Total Assets", value="")
function(input,output) {
output$DynamicAssets <- renderUI ({
Assets <- as.integer(input$assets)
for(i in 1:Assets,function(i) {
"ticker" = textInput("Ticker", label="Enter Ticker", value="Enter Ticker"),
"weight" = numericInput ("AssetWeight", label="weights of Assets", value="")
I know the code is in complete because i have no idea what to do next. this is all that i figured out from seraching the net. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
-Note that to pass multiple items in the
function you have to group them into a list, and herelapply()
is creating a list of lists.