I have a date with this format:
Tue Mar 03 00:00:00 WIB 2015
How can I format it into:
What I currently tried:
val today_date = new LocalDate()
val formatIncoming = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z YYYY")
val formatOutgoing = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
Any solution?
First to note: The classname
looks like Joda-Time but you have to useSimpleDateFormat
because Joda-Time cannot parse timezone names or abbreviations.Second: Your parsing pattern is wrong and uses YYYY instead of yyyy (Y is year of week-date, not the normal calendar year). Using Y can cause wrong date output.
Third: It is necessary to specify the locale as English because you have English Labels in your input (especially if your default locale is not an English - otherwise you get an exception).
Fourth: The pattern letter z is correct and will process timezone names like "WIB". Again: It is important to specify the locale here. The use of "Z" as in another answer given normally denotes a timezone offset but is allowed for parsing timezone names according to the Javadoc. So I recommend "z" for clarity (as you have done).