Is there a way to disable the previous and next links if there aren’t enough items to scroll?
For example: these galleries allow for 4 items (desktop), there are only 4 items in this gallery but the buttons to pagination still appear, but should be disabled.
I know there was a way to do it in the previous version, but the .disabled class doesn’t load into the links on this one? I don’t see it doing so in any of the demos either...
Could I use some additional jquery to override this, or is there anything built-in I that I'm missing?
Here is my code:
items: 4,
loop: true,
rewindNav: false,
autoplayHoverPause: true,
margin: 0,
dots: false,
navText: "<>",
0:{ // breakpoint from 0 up - small smartphones
480:{ // breakpoint from 480 up - smartphones // landscape
768:{ // breakpoint from 768 up - tablets
992:{ // breakpoint from 992 up - desktop
I don't know if a simpler solution exists, but I have expanded gregdev's solution so that no prev or next buttons are shown when you're at the beginning or end of a (non-looping) carousel. Note the addition of a "changed" event.
Once the right-most extreme of a carousel is reached,
e.item.count -
must either equale.item.index
or otherwise be a negative number.
can hold more items than the item count thene.item.index
will always equal 0, so by chaining the two toggle classes as a CSS target you can completely remove the owl controls (and thus the lonely owl dot), if desired.Owl Carousel 2 provides a number of useful events which you can use to achieve this:
This snippet hooks into the
events to trigger a function when the slideshow is first initialised or when the page is resized. The function compares how many elements are in your slideshow with the page size (the number of slides shown at once); if there are only enough items to display one page, thehide-nav
class gets added to the slideshow. You can then use CSS to hide the nav elements:If you add or remove slides or anything fancy like that, you might need to hook into additional events so your nav is displayed or hidden as appropriate:
In Owl carousel 2, it will automatically adds "disabled" class to the prev and next navigation controllers when it reaches first and last elements. Therefore you can just add this css code.
Disable the auto loop option
and use the below CSS
For control without classes and checks on number of items (thumbs) etc this may help to guide you .. part of the solution can also be what gregdev has supplied above, but see the true_false control on navigation and/or pagination as required. You set a different count based check than just <=1