I have two data sets A and B. Each data set have lat,lon and temperature but different lengths A=[200,3] B=[250,3]. I would like perform interpolate A and B and display the temperature(average temperature which are close lat lon from 2 sets). It would be great help someone know how to handle it. I tried from here https://stackoverflow.com/a/56628900/13258046
the shape of the data is
mesh1.shape: (9043, 2)
mesh2.shape: (8067, 2)
tri = Delaunay(mesh1) # Compute the triangulation
interpolator = LinearNDInterpolator(tri,values_mesh1)
values_new = interpolator(mesh2)
we are not considering values_mesh2=df_D[['temparatue']]? how to contribute values_mesh2?