I'm trying to preform an FFT -> ramp filtering -> iFFT on a 2D image with CUDA. First, as a test I tried to do FFT and iFFt without any filters. After the FFT andthe iFFT the image seems the same, but before the operation the image pixel values were between 0-255 and after the FFT and iFFT the image contains ~10^7 values.
The test image contains float numbers, and the dimensions are 512 x 360. I preform the fft with my "cuffSinogram" function, and the iFFT with the "cuInversefftSinogram" function. These are the two function what I wrote:
#define NX 512
#define NY 360
void cufftSinogram(cufftComplex* d_complex_Sinogram, float* d_real_sinogram){
cufftHandle plan;
/* Create a 2D FFT plan. */
if (cufftPlan2d(&plan, NX, NY, CUFFT_R2C) != CUFFT_SUCCESS){
fprintf(stderr, "CUFFT Error: Unable to create plan\n"); return;
if (cufftExecR2C(plan, (cufftReal*)d_real_sinogram, d_complex_Sinogram) != CUFFT_SUCCESS){
fprintf(stderr, "CUFFT Error: Unable to execute plan\n"); return;
if (cudaDeviceSynchronize() != cudaSuccess){
fprintf(stderr, "Cuda error: Failed to synchronize\n"); return;
void cuInversefftSinogram(float* d_real_sinogram, cufftComplex* d_complex_Sinogram){
cufftHandle plan;
/* Create a 2D FFT plan. */
if (cufftPlan2d(&plan, NX, NY, CUFFT_C2R) != CUFFT_SUCCESS){
fprintf(stderr, "CUFFT Error: Unable to create plan\n"); return;
if (cufftExecC2R(plan, d_complex_Sinogram, d_real_sinogram) != CUFFT_SUCCESS){
fprintf(stderr, "CUFFT Error: Unable to execute plan\n"); return;
if (cudaDeviceSynchronize() != cudaSuccess){
fprintf(stderr, "Cuda error: Failed to synchronize\n"); return;
One original and modified tiff image can be found here (I suggest, to open with imageJ)
CUDA FFT->IFFT sequences require that you divide the resultant values by the number of elements in the transform, if you want to return back to the original data.
From the documentation: