I'm a Rails beginner and I'm working on a preexisting Rails 2 project. In my application, I tried converting a select dropdown field to a form_handler f.select, but I'm getting this error:
undefined method `location.masterlocation.name
Here is my attempt:
<% form_for @newsavedmap, :html=>{:id=>'createaMap'} do |f| %>
<%= f.select(:start, options_from_collection_for_select(@itinerary.locations, "location.masterlocation.street_address, location.masterlocation.city, location.masterlocation.state, location.masterlocation.zip", "location.masterlocation.name"), :id => "startdrop")%>
Here is the original dropdown field:
<select id="startdrop">
<option value="">
<% for location in @itinerary.locations %>
<option value="<%= location.masterlocation.street_address %> <%= location.masterlocation.city %>, <%= location.masterlocation.state %>, <%= location.masterlocation.zip %>"><%= location.masterlocation.name %></option>
<% end %>
Thanks in advance for your help!
edit 1
I've gotten much closer using this code:
<%= f.select :start, options_for_select(@itinerary.locations.map{ |c| [c.masterlocation.name, c.masterlocation.street_address]}),{}, :id=>"startdrop", :name=>"startthere" %>
The problem is that I want to include the city, state, and zip in the value, all separated by commas. Any ideas about how to do this?
<%= f.select :start, options_for_select(@itinerary.locations.map{ |c| [c.masterlocation.inst_name, c.masterlocation.street_address AND , AND c.masterlocation.city AND , AND c.masterlocation.state AND, AND c.masterlocation.zip]}),{}, :id=>"startdrop", :name=>"startthere" %>
Maptry Helper:
module MaptryHelper
def options_for_select(locations)
locations.map do |location|
[location.masterlocation.name, location_string(location.masterlocation)]
def location_string(masterlocation)
"#{masterlocation.street_address}, #{masterlocation.city}, #{masterlocation.state}, #{masterlocation.zip}"
<%= f.select :start, options_for_select(@itinerary.locations),{}, :id=>"startdrop", :name=>"startthere" %>
Place the following in a helper file
Then in your view, you can use the following