I'm writing a bit value to a database in the CheckboxProcess_CheckedChanged event. However, nothing is actually being written out. I had some code in there filling an adapter, but I took it out. Can anybody see where this is going wrong?
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString.ToString()))
dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM SecureOrders", connection);
dataSet = new DataSet();
dataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "SecureOrders");
DataView source = new DataView(dataSet.Tables[0]);
DefaultGrid.DataSource = source;
protected void CheckBoxProcess_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool update;
string checkedString = "UPDATE SecureOrders SET processed = 1 WHERE fName LIKE '%" + DefaultGrid.SelectedRow.Cells[2].Text + "%' AND lName LIKE '% " + DefaultGrid.SelectedRow.Cells[3].Text + "%'";
string uncheckedString = "UPDATE SecureOrders SET processed = 0 WHERE fName LIKE '%" + DefaultGrid.SelectedRow.Cells[2].Text + "%' AND lName LIKE '% " + DefaultGrid.SelectedRow.Cells[3].Text + "%'";
CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)sender;
GridViewRow gvr = (GridViewRow)cb.Parent.Parent;
DefaultGrid.SelectedIndex = gvr.RowIndex;
update = Convert.ToBoolean(DefaultGrid.SelectedValue);
orderByString = orderByList.SelectedItem.Value;
fieldString = searchTextBox.Text;
connectionString = rootWebConfig.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings["secureodb"];
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString.ToString()))
SqlCommand checkedCmd = new SqlCommand(checkedString, connection);
SqlCommand uncheckedCmd = new SqlCommand(uncheckedString, connection);
if (cb.Checked == true)
For your update statements you have:
I'm wondering if you need to remove the space after the last % mark:
I would suggest you try the following steps:
separate the UI code (reading and writing the textboxes and grid and stuff) from the actual database code - at some point, you might want to separate those out to separate assemblies, even
use parametrized queries for updating your data! Prevents SQL injection attacks, and makes your stuff go faster, too! Use them - always - no excuses
Your code would then look something like this:
Now I don't know if that's really going to solve your problem - I couldn't see anything at first sight.... but try it - maybe that'll give you a head start towards isolating your issues!