I'm trying to get the paperclip gem to upload images on my production server (ubuntu 12.0.4, apache2, phusion passenger and rvm) and for each attachment I get three lots of this validation error:
Img one /tmp/villa-0520121006-4333-hdo9wv.jpeg is not recognized by the 'identify' command.
ImageMagick is installed properly, as is the libmagickwand-dev package, Rmagick and paperclip. And I've set the correct command_path to where identify and convert are located in my production.rb config file.
here is my model if it helps:
class Property < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :img_one, :img_two, :img_three, :img_four, :img_five, :img_six, :price, :title, :description, :location, :beds, :property_type, :agreement_type, :featured
has_attached_file :img_one, :styles => { :medium => "420x280>", :mobile => "300x220", :thumb => "100x80>" }
has_attached_file :img_two, :styles => { :medium => "420x280>", :mobile => "300x220", :thumb => "100x80>" }
has_attached_file :img_three, :styles => { :medium => "420x280>", :mobile => "300x220", :thumb => "100x80>" }
has_attached_file :img_four, :styles => { :medium => "420x280>", :mobile => "300x220", :thumb => "100x80>" }
has_attached_file :img_five, :styles => { :medium => "420x280>", :mobile => "300x220", :thumb => "100x80>" }
has_attached_file :img_six, :styles => { :medium => "420x280>", :mobile => "300x220", :thumb => "100x80>" }
validates_presence_of :title, :description, :location, :beds, :property_type, :agreement_type, :price
validates :price, :numericality => { :greater_than => 0 }
validates :beds, :numericality => { :only_integer => true, :greater_than => 0 }
I'm really scratching my head with this one and any help or advice would be much appreciated thanks
This was apparently caused by the cocaine gem 0.4.0 breaking paperclip (I'm using paperclip 3.2.0). To fix the issue I reverted back to an older version of that gem by doing:
adding this to gemfile
and then bundle installing
Image file is not recognized by the 'identify' command. (heroku) https://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip/issues/1038