So In my 1stViewController I have this code:
@IBAction func colorDropdown(_ sender: Any) {
func popUpColorPicker() {
let popOverVC = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ColorPicker") as! ColorPicker
popOverVC.view.frame = self.view.frame
popOverVC.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
Which would pop up the 2ndViewController. Upon dismissing the Pop Up 2ndViewController, I'd like to retrieve the values I entered and use it in my 1st View Controller.
You can achieve this by either using
orcompletion handler
.Just create a delegate to handle your data on dismissing the
second VC
Write a
completion handler
to get back those values in your firstview controller
.Suppose A & B are two controllers and you first navigated from A to B with some data. And now you want to POP from B to A with some data.
Unwind Segues is the best and recommended way to do this. Here are the steps.
define following method
@IBAction func unwindSegueFromBtoA(segue: UIStoryNoardSegue) {
open storyboard
Select B ViewController and click on ViewController outlet. press control key and drag to 'Exit' outlet and leave mouse here. In below image, selected icon is ViewController outlet and the last one with Exit sign is Exit Outlet.
You will see 'unwindSegueFromBtoA' method in a popup . Select this method .
Now you will see a segue in your view controler hierarchy in left side. You will see your created segue near StoryBoard Entry Piont in following Image.
Select this and set an identifier to it. (suggest to set the same name as method - unwindSegueFromBtoA)
Open B.m . Now, wherever you want to pop to A. use
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("unwindSegueFromBtoA", sender: dataToSend)
Now when you will pop to 'A', 'unwindSegueFromBtoA' method will be called. In unwindSegueFromBtoA of 'A' you can access any object of 'B'.
That's it..!
you can always use unwind to do some stuff upon unwinding
declare a IBAction in your first vc
then create exit segue for popout viewcontroller then you can dismiss popout like this
then in prepareForSegue
also you can create delegate to reach fistviewcontroller and do some stuff which is way easier to do