I am trying to write a function that will return an array of all my workers, but it is returning before retrieving the data from firebase
here is my code:
func getWorkersList() -> ([Worker])
let workersInfoRef = ref.childByAppendingPath("countries/\(userCountry)/cities/\(userCity)/workers/\(workFieldToRecieve)/")
var workerList = [Worker]()
workersInfoRef.queryOrderedByChild("name").observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: { (snapshot) in
for rest in snapshot.children.allObjects as! [FDataSnapshot]{
let workerInfo = Worker(uid: rest.value["uid"] as! String, name: rest.value["name"] as! String, city: rest.value["city"] as! String, profession: rest.value["profession"] as! String, phone: rest.value["phone"] as! String, email: rest.value["email"] as! String, country: rest.value["country"] as! String)
}) { (error) in
return workerList
This is not tested... I just coded it up on the fly to give you the general idea
add a completion block/callback to your function...
pass in the completion block..
The code in your question doesn't work due to a fundamental issue: Firebase is asynchronous and can't be called to return values like a function.
Firebase data is only viable when (within) the block that fetched it has completed.
App code runs much faster than the internet, so if you tell Firebase to fetch data and then try to work with that data outside the block (with return workerList for example) the return will fire way before the Firebase data is ready, and you'll return nil sometimes, maybe always.
So what do you do? You code in an asynchronous way.
Say for example, you have a tableView that presents a list of workers. Here's a conceptual flow
The key is to leverage the asynchronous nature of Firebase and write code that works with Firebase.